A Devotional Study of How the Song of Solomon Reveals a Believer's Union with Jesus Christ. “It is a privilege to commend this study of the Song of Songs.” -J. Alec Motyer In this text first published in 1893, missionary James Hudson Taylor illuminates the Song of Solomon, dividing it into six sections, with glosses on the scripture throughout. He discusses how the Song shines light on aspects of faith, human experience, and the relationship to God and Christ. Both the longtime faithful and those new to the Bible can enjoy this lovely work, as it can both remind and teach anew. Even those familiar with the Song are sure to find new insight in this concise and clear book of teachings. “This little book, whose design is to lead the devout Bible-student into the Green Pastures of the Good Shepherd, thence to the Banqueting House of the King, and thence to the service of the Vineyard, is one of the abiding legacies of Mr. Hudson Taylor to the Church. In the power of an evident unction from the Holy One, he has been enabled herein to unfold in simplest language the deep truth of the believer's personal union with The Lord, which under symbol and imagery is the subject of The Song of Songs. And in so doing he has ministered an unfailing guidance to one of the most commonly neglected and misunderstood of the Sacred Scriptures. For how many have said in bewilderment at the richness of language and profusion of figure which both conceal and reveal its meaning, "How can I understand except some man should guide me?" It is safe to say that these pages cannot fail to help and bless all such.” -Rev. J. Stuart Holden, M. A. CONTENTS Introductory The Title SECTION I The Unsatisfied Life and its Remedy SECTION II Communion Broken—Restoration SECTION III The Joy of Unbroken Communion SECTION IV Communion again Broken—Restoration SECTION V Fruits of Recognized Union SECTION VI Unrestrained Communion APPENDIX
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