Psychic School - As seen on BBC 2 Everyman: Mediums Talking to the Dead and American Television: Spirit of Princess Diana Overcome the negative forces in your life... If you are a psychic medium or someone who is very sensitive to spiritual vibrations, you may be influenced by the positive or negative energies that surround you. In Psychic Protection Craig draws on his 40 years as a Spiritualist medium to show you how to comfortably live in a world of negative energies and thought fields. Through examples from his and Jane’s files, he explains how to combat negative influences, work safely with ghosts, poltergeists and spirits and how to protect your spiritual journey. Topics include: The Spiritual Mycelium Connecting Working with Telepathy, Spiritual Mycelium Thought Forms and Mind Fields Sympathetic Magic, Curses and Jinxes, Prophets, Demons, Thought Forms, Extended Consciousness, Mind Fields Negative Energies Vibrations of the Battlefield, Earth Energies, Standing Stones and Crop Circles, Sick Buildings, Geopathic Stress, Using Crystals, Gemstones and Metals, Protective Devices, Nature Spirits and Faeries, Feng Shui. Eclipsed Souls Real Attacks, The Shadow, Black Magic Thought Form, Earthbound Spirits, Protective Rituals and Techniques Protecting Your Soul Daily Fear Energy in Everyday Life, Personal Protection, Mind Fields in Business, The Power of Words, Soul Protection and Relationships, Self-Awareness, Angels of Protection. Protecting the Aura Protective Colour, Auric Light, Becoming a Medium, Spirit Guides and Helpers. Spiritual Considerations Protecting the Soul
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