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Dole Tropical Fruit in 100% Fruit Juice - Pineapple and Papaya - Dole Resealable Fruit Jars - Rich Source of Vitamin C - 23.5 oz - 8 Pack
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Dole Tropical Fruit in 100% Fruit Juice - Pineapple and Papaya - Dole Resealable Fruit Jars - Rich Source of Vitamin C - 23.5 oz - 8 Pack

Product ID: 8538302
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Delicious, nutritious fruit that you can eat now or save for later, Dole Tropical Fruit is packed in 100% fruit juice and enclosed with an easy resealable lid, keeping our tropical mixed fruit fresh and ready to be enjoyed at any time. Rich in Vitamin C, Dole Tropical Fruit in 100% Fruit Juice is made with the nutritional goodness of real fruit with no added sugar, making it the ideal snack for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or anytime you're craving a sweet treat. Dole Tropical Fruit is great by itself, as a topping, or in fruit salads, smoothies, or homemade desserts. With Dole, you can have the delicious taste of refreshing fruit anywhere, anytime. Dole Packaged Foods, LLC, is a world leader in growing, sourcing, distributing, and marketing fruit and healthy snacks in four core categories: Beverage, Snacks, Frozen, and Pantry. As a purpose-driven company, Dole has 3 areas of focus: increasing access to good food globally and reducing sugar, reducing carbon emissions and organic waste in our operations, and creating shared value amongst all stakeholders. *Not a low-calorie food. See nutrition fact panel.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

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